Monday, 7 September 2015

US Federal Guidelines Reccomend Plant Based Diet


Back in 2010, the UN released a report which highlighted that U.S citizens should adopt a plant-based diet for health and environmental reasons - whether people took that advice, that still remains to be seen. However, for the first time ever - the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee of 2015 have outlined very similar recommendations to the U.S citizens. A huge shift in perspective and mentality is inspiring people everywhere to invest in their health, more than ever before. So what was highlighted in these guidelines?

 "The overall body of evidence examined by the 2015 DGAC identifies that a healthy dietary pattern is higher in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low- or non-fat dairy, seafood, legumes, and nuts; moderate in alcohol (among adults); lower in red and processed meats; and low in sugar-sweetened foods and drinks and refined grains" the 571-page report gives an in-depth look into the current diets of U.S citizens, and what exactly should be done to counteract the growing levels of an overweight and obese population.

Even though the guidelines still include meat in the dietary guidelines - what's most important to consider is that they now have fallen to the bottom of the list, with veggies, fruits and grains now taking top spot. So what will this mean for the U.S? Is there going to be a dietary shift across the world which we were expecting to see?

“On average, the U.S. diet is low in vegetables, fruit, and whole grains, and high in sodium, calories, saturated fat, refined grains, and added sugars" amongst the other matters which were discussed in relation to the current dietary view of the U.S, it's all about setting a better example to future generations about how exactly we need to change our dietary stance, and why moving to a healthier, cleaner, plant based diet is the future of our world.

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