Sunday, 13 September 2015

Journalism and Social Media - A Potent Combination

What do you get when you combine the power of Social Media and the powerful media industry of Journalism? Well, as you would imagine, this is a huge recipe for success - for both sides.

Every news outlet now has their brand online on some form of social media. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are amongst maybe the most well known forms of social media which are havens for followers if you can market your brand right. For example, BBC News has 4.86 million followers on Twitter and over 23 million likes on Facebook. This can show you that even though the BBC News page holds more power on Facebook due to it's higher amount of interest - it overall shows that with a grand total of almost 30 million followers spread between both, BBC News is a hot topic for social media users.

Having the ability to get your articles and opinions out to such a higher number of individuals really does highlight the power of their voice - so with this ability comes great responsibility. Using this power positively is vital, as once something is on the Internet - people can access it and have it saved to their phones/computers in seconds. The 'potency' of the mixture of Journalism and Social Media can be taken either 1 or 2 ways -  you can use it to share a positive message or use it to spread news about a situation which people should be informed on, or it can be used to fool the masses who consume it into believing something completely false - for the advancements of a regime or implementing a belief system into the minds of others.

How do you think current media outlets use it?

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